Abed, you're a computer!
Abed, you're a computer!
This is really just a "Beach House songs that are awesome" tangent, but: Walk in the Park is incredibly good.
Tight tight TIGHT!
Also for Nolan: Inception. I had the vague idea that it was going to be a total visual trip because of some comparison to 2001 made by some critic, and because it was about dreams. It wasn't, but it was still awesome in a different way and I loved it.
And Conversation 16!
chka chka POW chka chka POW POW
That was my first thought. I kind of wish the rest of Loveless had live drums too, if only because the drums on that song are live, and they're soooooo gooooooooooood.
Not much to add other than that the beginning of "All Tomorrow's Parties" is probably the most epic, viscerally exciting thing in any piece of music ever.
And David Foster Wa- goddammit.
I don't know, I thought the obituary was pretty respectful - Kinkade did do those drunken stunts and espouse pandering anti-intellectualism, so it was inevitable the obit would cover them. Better that than gloss over these things, I'd say.
I thought it was also a really well-done book choice for Britta's character: great, definitely, but not as incredibly alternative as she'd imagined it to be.
Honestly, I didn't even realize that was the joke until now. Kinda obvious in retrospect.
I've been wondering about this: what makes you, and the reviewer for that matter, think that Sleigh Bells are being ironic? I'm genuinely curious.
Fair enough. I kind of doubt that they're being ironic, though. The guitarist was in a hardcore band called Poison the Well, and the singer was at one point in a failed corporate teen pop group called Rubyblue or something. These are just the sounds they like to make.
I don't know if you've heard their two new singles, but those songs have a lot more developed and substantial melodies, as opposed to the extremely simple, insistent, one-hook songs on Treats (which, in fairness, I liked.)
I guess this is as good a place as any to say that Fucked Up has a new Chinese Zodiac single out, Year of the Tiger, and that it's awesome.
By the time you get into it, though, it's straight up engrossing. Like page-turner addictive. Readitreaditreadit
And his falsetto sucks.
Point: You da man!
Counterpoint: No, YOU da man!
That ride would often be in Disorder, I bet.