

Unfortunately the only adjective I can think of to describe this season is "boring". Time to forget this claptrap and go back to the rollicking fun of Sleepy Hollow.

Virus expansion tjomg in the containment tub thing freaked me out pretty good.

Speedway Squad! In color.

For those confused about where one episode ends and another begins I remember reading something stating that each episode in this season would take place in a 'day'. When the 'Day 2' card popped up, 'Vector' began.

Banana Fartman MD

"Magic has a bad habit of robbing stories of consequence" is a pretty spot-on summary of my main problems with this season. Death seems like nothing more than a minor inconvenience that has little impact on the plot, even when the characters are still technically dead: Axeman gets to blast away on his horn at the club

Solid D

Jesse being the most easily-sympathetic character is pretty well done, because he's basically the avatar for "us" (the viewers) now.

I liked the neo-Nazi scene at the start because it's Todd's recollection of the train robbery - with notably no mention of the kid being executed. He says the robber was perfect, in fact. The ongoing comparison of him to the emotionally gutted Jesse is great.