
I was hoping the answer would be "ex baywatch stars and Antonio Sabato Jr in Speedos" was the correct answer.  But it seems they didn't want any bathing suit malfunctions. So, not sure.

OK then, TLC's Sleigh Ride, just under the wire (1992).

OK then, TLC's Sleigh Ride, just under the wire (1992).

I checked U-verse, but it doesn't seem that A Muppet's Christmas Carol is playing on broadcast TV this year.  WTF?!?
I guess I'll have to order it from Amazon.
My kids have no idea who Tiny Tim, or Scrooge is, so I need to remedy this immediately. 

I checked U-verse, but it doesn't seem that A Muppet's Christmas Carol is playing on broadcast TV this year.  WTF?!?
I guess I'll have to order it from Amazon.
My kids have no idea who Tiny Tim, or Scrooge is, so I need to remedy this immediately. 

"I'm a Jew, a lonely Jew at Christmas…"

"I'm a Jew, a lonely Jew at Christmas…"

You reminded me, we were all doing the Snoopy/kids dance in our kitchen last night.  We weren't even listening to this album at the time.

You reminded me, we were all doing the Snoopy/kids dance in our kitchen last night.  We weren't even listening to this album at the time.

That's awesome.  I'd also like to point out that the "voice of reason" in Linus is marginalized, with a few victories (like in the Christmas special) but mainly ignored.

That's awesome.  I'd also like to point out that the "voice of reason" in Linus is marginalized, with a few victories (like in the Christmas special) but mainly ignored.

My favorite part of that scene is not the story of the nativity - but has always been, "Peace on Earth, Good Will towards men" part and that's what I focus on.  If only…
That's my Christmas wish every year. 
Instead, we get aluminum trees, "tens and twenties" and store displays by the thousands.  Oh, good grief.

My favorite part of that scene is not the story of the nativity - but has always been, "Peace on Earth, Good Will towards men" part and that's what I focus on.  If only…
That's my Christmas wish every year. 
Instead, we get aluminum trees, "tens and twenties" and store displays by the thousands.  Oh, good grief.

Because we don't have Winter Soltice parties here.  Tomato, tomahto.

Because we don't have Winter Soltice parties here.  Tomato, tomahto.

"I never get what I really want."
"real estate"

"I never get what I really want."
"real estate"

Prickhard - that's it, exactly.  Being all older now and having people around die, the reaction I get from the religious around me at the death of a loved one, is basically comforting themselves with the old "at least we'll be re-united in the afterlife" bullshit.
It takes all I can muster not to go all atheistic

Prickhard - that's it, exactly.  Being all older now and having people around die, the reaction I get from the religious around me at the death of a loved one, is basically comforting themselves with the old "at least we'll be re-united in the afterlife" bullshit.
It takes all I can muster not to go all atheistic

So, I'm guessing the guys here who are all "atheists, right?"  never lived in the deep south, or Utah, or Italian America, where you get religion forced on you daily.
And once you realize it's all bullshit, you feel like pulling a MacEnroe 'Are you kidding ME?'
Spending time with your family and friends takes much