
I've been showing my kids some (carefully selected) sketches lately, and have really noticed the "transition problem" they have.
In the episode I watch last night with the "Arguement" sketch, Eric Idle even comes out and says "well, it's not always easy to get to the next sketch, and we got 25 minutes to fill."

"This parrot is no more…it is an EX-Parrot…"

"This parrot is no more…it is an EX-Parrot…"

I only recently started to hear the backlash against those words also, and I don't get it.  Cancer is an enemy, and your response to that enemy can be likened to fighting.  For me, surviving is not a positive word (like hero, as someone else notes.)  Surviving means you were in a life/death struggle and happened to

I only recently started to hear the backlash against those words also, and I don't get it.  Cancer is an enemy, and your response to that enemy can be likened to fighting.  For me, surviving is not a positive word (like hero, as someone else notes.)  Surviving means you were in a life/death struggle and happened to

As soon as I saw Thor swing a hammer and a baddies crumbles into pixels like a video game, I was out.

As soon as I saw Thor swing a hammer and a baddies crumbles into pixels like a video game, I was out.

I'm just really impressed they have her reading Camus.  That's kind of pandering, but still, it's better than a Betty Shabazz biography, which is more what I'd expect from 70's Aaron Spelling production.

*Cool story, bro alert* I took my girls to Philly this Spring and made them walk down to the water with me.  They grumbled the whole time about 'having to go see a stupid boat'.  But when we got down to the water, my 6 year was fascinated by the sub they have there.  It was closed, so we couldn't go in.  IT was the

My 6 year old was allowed to go on Space Mountain last summer!?!?  I think they lowered the height requirement from when I was younger, after the last renovation (this is Orlando.)  I was surprised and let her go, and she loved it.  I think the only ride she couldn't go on was Mission to Mars.

Having grown up in Orlando, I have to ask, what the hell is up with giant pickels/churros/turkey legs??  That was never a thing in FLA.  And Dole whips??  Now I think you're just making stuff up.
We went for the Mickey Mouse ice cream with the chocolate covered ears - mmmm. But mostly, like Claire said before they

Richmond is considered the North to folks downhere (GA.)  Just encountered that last week, in fact.  I pointed out that it was the Capital of the Confederacy, but they wouldn't be swayed. 
GA is a right to work, and maybe your employers are more of the genteel Green Acres variety of southerner, but a lot here (and

@avclub-f0118aa564ddc17c5299234611085103:disqus - where do you live?  "usually corporations adopt more progressive HR positions." ???
Where have you worked where this is the case, because in the South, in a private company, this ain't the case.
I'm willing to bet Jellybean's HR manager was in the mix there somewhere. 

Here's a great place to interject my Happy-Band vs Serious-Band thesis. 
REM, like other "Alt" bands from the 80's/early 90's had more than just just one sound.  And that's OK. 
I happen to prefer happy-Cure to sad/long/droning Cure.  Same with the Smiths, and REM. 
REM can be very serious and serious musicians, but

bfred - exactly my response. 
At least MJ was like from the 60's and 70's, the Beasties came along about the time I started to pay attention to music. 
I'm going to have to find some Mickey's BigMouth to make me feel young again.

YES!!!!  My wife don't understand my need to turn NIN or RATM up to ear-bleed every once in a while.

Can someone here please recap her "philosophies of life"?  They were all kinds of awesome.

Had to log in to say that photo of the trestle was done by a friend of mine!!  They did a whole NPR segment on it not too long ago, because it's falling down in decrepitude, and never mentioned her name! 
Sandy Phipps let the boys use it on the back cover and deserves some props for such an iconic photo.