
Hipsters: Where's the VH love?
I'm telling you, mang, VH stands the test of time. I bought all the DLR cassettes from Columbia House in 7th grade (1987) and it was awesome. But as time went on, I turned up my nose. In 2003, however, I rejoined Columbia House for the fuck of it and bought all the remastered DLR VH CDs

I'll avoid…
…One Missed Call.

"STAR WARS / CABARET crossover"?

The comment is on its way to the detention level. If you hurry, you might catch it.

Dear Sean,

Dave Cooley-produced?
I misread this as "Dave Coulier." I guess I was hoping Mr. Duplicity had made another indelible mark on 90s music.

Agreed. Great out-of-the-blue interview. Features come and go on the Av Club: quick blasts of welcome, yet temporary sustenance during our drab, workaday lives, but memorable as breaths. That interview, on the other hand, has staying power. If anybody ever asks me why I waste so much damned time on this site, I'd

I don't want any of that stinkin' root beer.

Richter Scale

I like your handle, Ricin Beans. I like your style, too. Let's bromance the stone.

Agreed; however, the third Audioslave album—while absolutely, positively, butt-fuckingly terrible—is not without merit. It plays like a contract-fulfillment record hatched by two increasingly disparate parties (Cornell vs. RATM) who went to great lengths to sabotage each others' legacy. It's like "mutually assured

Don't forget her role as the Original MILF in Back to the Future.

Apparently it's also a damn good week for Lea Thompson.

New Cult Canon Contender
Write it, my main man.

Rita corny, Michael.

Crank Origins: Crank Babies

Turns out Lobsters1 is actually Noah Baumbach.

Please tell me that Bellona will comment on this Oberst thread. I like to look at her pretty picture and daydream.

In other words, although the lightning frazzled Morse's mind-grapes, it did wonders for his thoughtcicles.

Maybe this has been covered and I failed to notice…