
Who is this for? If I wanted to pay for mostly mediocre new shows, I'd just resubscribe to HBO.

I have to correct you on one count, the quote was "for one busty dullard". I wouldn't be nitpicky, but dear lord, did I love that phrasing.

South Park is underrated in most circles. It's still nowhere near as consistently good as quite a few other shows. When an episode tries to hit a target and misses, it's borderline unwatchable.

This could be done fairly, it just won't.
It would be completely fair to make Hulu free for watching the latest 2-3 episodes of any given program and have a subscription model in place to access a deeper archive.

It's well worth the money. I bought it blind solely based on that EW article and have gotten more than my money's worth. The first time I watched with a couple of friends and just couldn't stop giggling the whole time. Even my sister, who doesn't go in for such "so bad it's good" stuff, was a bit stunned by exactly

The Ultimate Validation
FOX had no interest in doing anything even remotely related to promoting this film. It took two years, was rescheduled multiple times, there was no trailer, no poster, no press, not even a release date until approximately a week or two before it was out.

The REAL Purpose Of These
This kinda makes crystal clear why these serve a purpose. So that when later on, that watch serves as a significant point to bring Jack and Claire together or other such nonsense that isn't fully explained, they can say, "See? It's not lazy writing! It's fully explained in this one-off scene

Taumpy Tearrs is pretty good too.