
That always bothered me a bit about Angel too. I mean, sure it's the apocalypse and whatnot but it's just such a commute to LA.

"Loopholing" is probably the most exquisite euphemism ever for that constellation of acts.

He was probably pining for his Russian unicorn.

Also, I believe he's been cast as the voice of Smaug.

You know how it is. Hatter's gonna hat.

I think people are grouchy about that episode because the whole point of the series is that it's a modern reinterpretation and so the yellow peril business feels really anachronistic in a 21st century context, like Homes and Watson riding to the Apple Store in a horse and buggy or something.

That leaves so many unanswered questions. Like, did Dr. Hibbert ever get his Porsche keys out of her?

Oh, they had designers then!

And another thing — how come the Daleks don't dance anymore? Doesn't anyone remember the Dalek-cancan?

She just strikes me as feistier.

Look Who's Talking Too, obviously.

Those centerfolds got so much classier once Lucian Freud started illustrating them.

That's just what one of them would say!

That casting would have made more sense to me If they had AH playing the MG role and vice versa.

That's brilliant.

You think you've got problems –– I'm in Taiwan where people wear hats on their feet and hamburgers eat people.

There's the Mountain of Madness episode…

The thing that lost me was when in the second movie they made it fairly clear that the Matrix world didn't really resemble the earth we know at all. The first movie implied that we all live in the Matrix, what with mentions of real-world places such as Heathrow. If I recall correctly, two and three posited that

The Avunculars?

Agreed. I was really impressed. The {SPOILER} big reveal about the nature of most of the main characters was a masterful revelation.