
The S.S. Microwave! ("Ah! My crepes are done!")

There are some wonderful moments in those.

*squints for a moment* … Brother!

It's a real temple in Kyoto called Kinkaku-ji. I think they had the imperial palace at one point as well.

I had to wear a back brace for a year in high school.

In college I spent two summers working at the American Girl factory just outside of Madison. When you see hundreds of those little dolls rolling down the conveyor belt in those cardboard sarcophagi it goes from cute to eerie real quick.

*angrily puts fist through own hat*

Or if Lucy had had super speed when she got that job at the chocolate factory conveyor belt there would have been no problem.

Now, now. When do you think he meant, exactly? I'm mostly a late Ming Dynasty man myself but you can make a strong case for the Tang, of course. Don't even get me started on the early republican period, though…

Oh, that's just the sound of the pelota hitting the fronton. I find it soothing.


Lousy belligerwads have been nothing but trouble from day one.

It really stands out if you return to the book after have been introduced to Who in the meantime, as I was. Chronitis is essentially an affable, senile Time Lord without the explicit label.

I do kind of like the idea, suggested by that guy, that the apocalypse was engineered by socially awkward twenty-something expat technocrat would-be hipsters who hang out in coffeeshops Tweeting about stuff.

Yeah, considering that lots of nine year olds can and do quote vast quantities of minutia from things like LoTR, Star Wars, and Harry Potter, I would imagine most keep up alright.

I've found a new friend…underneath my pillow.


@avclub-58238e9ae2dd305d79c2ebc8c1883422:disqus You know, we laugh, but those power converters aren't going to pick themselves up.

I'll bomb your house into the ground, missy.

@avclub-280bc003b0e34f306a091cab2ee9d9be:disqus :"East St Louis?""Is there any other St Louis?"