"…and furthermore, Arya would NOT be wielding a Purple lightsaber, as Purple K'Th'nai'gwar crystals are ONLY used to denote a Dark Gray Jedi who uses the Ch'n Kri'Nar Seventeenth form of lightsaber combat…"
"…and furthermore, Arya would NOT be wielding a Purple lightsaber, as Purple K'Th'nai'gwar crystals are ONLY used to denote a Dark Gray Jedi who uses the Ch'n Kri'Nar Seventeenth form of lightsaber combat…"
Note to SciFi and fantasy creators: Dragons n' spaceships n' glowy swords are impractical. Please make a Fantasy/SciFi film about a middle-aged guy refinancing his second mortgage.
Whenever I hear "millenials" the vocabulary section of my brain associates it with "millipedes".
Do we, as an audience, have any reason to like Sansa?
That's not what the leather is for - leather added to the metal would help with the expanding/contracting of the metal during temperature changes, reducing its chance of becoming brittle or misshapen.
Where is The Redwall cookbook???
That song fucking rocked my childhood self.
Spoiler: GoT goes full Monty Python and the show ends with the cops arresting everyone for all of the horrible crimes they've committed.
He's gone full "children's book" author now - the last time I tried to read something of his, I got as far as "We have to save this character whose name is Hope" and then I immediately threw the book in the garbage.
Meh, Radiohead is overrated. I mean really, Anyone Can Play Guitar…
How dare you! The "other one" is such a demeaning name! Her ACTUAL name was "the one who got naked".
The rare Golden 3-eyed Pepe.
If he had said "I ONLY liked Voyager", I might have been interested.
Still holding the torch for a modern ToeJam & Earl.
You're basically describing the thought process of the more extreme fundamentalist wing of the church.
Making a generic "statement" is what allows shitty, lazy bottom-of-the-barrel art to win things like Oscars and Grammys.
Not to mention that using mystery and promising plot twists as a gimmick is REALLY irritating when the writers don't actually know what they are doing.
You missed the part where the Brotherhood of Banners resurrects Roose Bolton just so he can bugger Therion Greyjoy with the rotting remains of his own penis.
Sorry, GRR Martin, but I'm betting no one gives a shit if the books get finished anymore, as long as the story gets finished in the TV show.