Eric Pharand

I suspected Crash from the ravine scene on.

Sherlock doesn't know where Kitty is coming from though his abuse by Moriarty would have been a better analogy.

I doubt that would work for them.

How does get rich follow from taking over the half destroyed by an earthquake, poorest district in the city, the Glades?

"Nobody but spies play baccarat."

It's good so far.

The Voyager spacecraft are powered by rocket fuel engines rather than fission explosions.

The engine would need to be 100% efficient.

Younger Cuban-Americans generally favor friendly relations between the US and Cuba.

A fission-powered ship would average .25c. Proxima is 3.9 lightyears away. At .25c, it would take roughly 100 years to reach a planet orbiting Proxima.



Good episode.

"To meet my real father" :D

Flashbacks and flashforwards! 5 seconds of Oliver on a cliff! 5 seconds of Oliver higher on the cliff!


Hulu is terrible.

I'll bet next year, Amy will find a new loophole: "This isn't a gift. I'm selling it for a penny."

I've plotted out all the character interactions. POI and Elementary take place in different 2014 NYCs unfortunately.

While more focused than the first half, there was a criminal amount of time wasted on the flashbacks.