Eric JA

And a better poker player.

It's as mystifying as the fact that The Question still hasn't shown up on Arrow.

My assumption is that Kara have the DEO a database dump of Kryptonian info, and Winn has obsessively read through and assimilated it.

Who's the weirwood.net version of ICANN? Does Bran have root access to the whole network?

Chill except for that thing about maybe eating Jojen.

Has anyone ever done that porn parody?

Chris Farley's Chocolate Chippendales

I think the funniest and saddest thing in the book is how Stan Lee spent 20+ years trying to make Marvel a player in other media, and it happened as soon as he no longer had anything to do with the company.

I always assumed that being passed over for Editor-in-Chief when Shooter left basically killed him. Sean Howe did not disabuse me of that notion.

Stupid new job, keeping me from seeing every article on the AV Club.

Except that their Cheesecake Factory set is so far from the branding and positioning of the actual restaurant that there's no way they would allow it if they were paying for product placement. It would be like the characters talking about how great their Honda Odyssey is while driving a convertible.

I don't think it's going to get too bad. It's not like they've got 25 movies a month being story edited by 3 or 4 underpaid editors, and writers handing in the scripts at the same time they're being filmed. Even as the Phase III movies come in, there's little enough story to keep everything straight.

Daredevil, The Punisher, Ghost Rider and Blade. That's a pretty good (which is to say batshit crazy) Defenders team right there.

I'm going to be in Puerto Rico. Anyone have any idea how I can find out if it will be playing there?

Hangs head in shame. Leaves his F.O.O.M card and Ultimate Nullifier replica on @avclub-a70b90ac4dd557918e5a1c5cb19399ec:disqus's desk before walking out.

I read a story once that a guy was sitting down to smoke some crack with George Clinton, when he took a rock and threw it over his shoulder. When asked why, he said "So at 4 in the morning when we're crawling around on the floor looking for rock we dropped, we'll find some."

Along the same lines (as in a complete ripoff) George Clinton and the P-Funk All Stars in PCU.

I'd want to see their final concert at Che Stadium.

I would like to have been at the party where Stumpy Joe Childs choked on vomit.

@avclub-e5e75678d9346d88878b7c95b97eac68:disqus Why would Downton Abbey move to FXX?