
Good to know. FXX does not seem all to great anyways i like there original comedies but they are not my favorites. Most of the time it is just syndicated shows like Parks and Rec. I like Parks but you can see old Parks episodes on regular tv.

The problem with the show is that is dull and too PG it is afraid to push any buttons. Who would have thought that Sleepy Hollow would be the better show considering how stupid the previews made it out to be. It is flawed but atleast i have not fallen asleep during it i can't say the same for Sheild.

Does anyone know if Archer is going to be on FX or FXX. Hopefully it is on FX like Louie.

I would like to see Hilty in something that does not suck how about putting her and Sutton Foster in a show together.  It is kind of stupid to make Sean Hayes character gay since he will always be typecast as Jack from Will and Grace.

I like this show and and Check it Out and can't stand Tim and Eric. I think it has to do both shows have the same lead character thoughout and i like Eric Andre and John C. Riley from other stuff. Tim and Eric just bugs me it is the only one of the Adult Swim live action shows i can't stand to watch and thank god it

Mcdermott has plenty experience appearing in crap but atleast AHS is fun and watchable. It also helps that the actors know what kind of show it is and don't take it too seriously.

Jake stealing all that stuff reminded me of Bender i miss his shinny metal ass.

I guess this is the worst show set in Detroit right now or is that still Hardcore Pawn.

I started in season two and gave up a couple of months later. I started to watch Scandal instead for my soap fix.

This was a good last episode and thanks to AMC for putting it On Demand quickly and for letting me fast forward the comericals. I can't get that baby blue song out of my mine it probably is going to see alot of downloads on Itunes like Don't Stop Believing did.

The plus side of the Onyx club is that there is going to be better music on this show.

As it has been said Winter is just recycling plots and characters from the Sopranos. Eli's son is just another version of Jackie Jr only he is not as dumb. Owen and Margret is just another version of Carmela and Furio. I am at the middle point of season five right now but i notice that Tony B the character Bushemi

Good episode but not worth a perfect score.



You know it not a good sign when they have this weeks episode already On Demand days before it premieres. AMC knows this show sucks that is why they put it on after Breaking Bad they know people are not going to watch this boring show with no good lead in. 
This is one busy night i am  going to watch Bob's burgers,

You are probably going to get your wish since he is a show killer anyway. He got lucky with Mad Men because the show has a end date already.

This was kind of dull i feel asleap during the second episode. It is odd seeing Bunk on a show where he can't say shit and fuck alot.

She was hardly a character anyways. It would actually be a good storyline for both characters to start dating other people. The regular cast is so small it could use a couple more.

I know it is so much better then Modern Family maybe they need to get a gay couple for this show. I think that is the only reason the show keeps winning the Emmy voters like to think that they are progresive but they don't want to be too out there by actually having a show that has a realtistic gay couple win . You