Mr. Manfredjinsinjin

mbs, I must second your love of "Flesh & Blood"! Rutger Hauer chucking dead dogs over a castle wall? Jennifer Jason Leigh thoroughly naked throughout? Brion James? The lady that plays Bart Simpson topless? What's not to love?

Vince Vaughn's mental process:

Does anyone else think the masturbation scene in the "Psycho" remake is the funniest thing they've ever seen?

Claire, EVERY fucking commercial I've seen for this, I've literally thought, "Wow, they all look matted in there!", and I've been racking my brain trying to think of a reason why they would do that! Have we gotten to the point where it is now cheaper to green-screen someone into a location than to actually film in

I escaped a teenage riot in a silver rocket that went across the breeze to Kim's sprawl!

Thank you, Mr. O'Neal! Based on the strength of that song and the utter awseomeness of that video, this has gone from mildly confusing to completely shitty! Fucking LaToya is making more than her?

"…it might be nice if for once the family didn't act like Rebbie was like the gross water that comes from a mustard bottle right before all the good stuff gets squeezed out."

His face does not melt. His reaction is much more akin Joe Pesci getting the top of his head burnt in Home Alone. Or Daffy Duck in any given cartoon. It's not the reaction one would expect from a man fully engulfed in fucking flames.

I remember the soundtrack…
…more than the movie itself. My younger brother bought it because it had a new Guns 'N' Roses song on it.

I agree, Holy Hand Grenade. I'm not as buttock-clenchingly angry about this as I would normally be since the director is Chinese. Mercifully, it's not some douche like Brett Ratner, who would totally fuck up the material.

I'm terribly sorry…
but I don't know how that happened! I beg your forgiveness!

He'll send Harrison Ford out to find him a skin job that knows Chinese.

He'll send Harrison Ford out to find him a skin job that knows Chinese.

He'll send Harrison Ford out to find him a skin job that knows Chinese.

Peedi Crakk?
Seriously, that's his name?