Jim Fear has done it again..

Same here. I was losing countless of hours of sleeping worrying that James Cameron was never going to get what was due to him. The thought of him wallowing in poverty up until this moment was more than I could take. Now he can finally by a third world country, maybe even a continent. Lord knows he deserves it.

Thank you teadoust. For some sad reason your brief tale of familial slaughter has made my day a little brighter. Might be time I up the dosage on my meds.

I love this movie more than I reasonably should, but at some point (between the twentieth or thirtieth time I watched it) I realized this movie ranks right up there with Top Gun in homoerotic content, maybe even surpasses it. The movie is borderline gay porn at times. There are so many close ups of naked, heavily


They are magnificent

My hearts been stolen by a newer, more co-dependent model who has memories of an absent father and an overbearing mother.

If ZMF starts a cult, I'm in. If he says "THE KOOL AID OWNS" then, by god, I'm drinkin' that shit.

All I want from the AV Club is a visual mashup of this album cover with Chris Brown's. Mind blowing is the only description I can think of for that.

Thanks for reminding me about X-Men Origins: Wolverine. What a clusterfuck. How can you take such a badass character and make such a bland and forgettable movie? How the fuck did will.I.am end up getting cast? What did Deadpool ever do to deserve that? God, I had forgotten how awful that movie was.

Caught Dead Girl on netflix instant viewing and didn't feel clean for days afterwards. Can't believe people invested time and money on a movie that was based almost exclusively on rape and what I assume was a form of necrophilia. Not one of my prouder moments.

Cookie FTW

Converge got the same reaction at the show in Charlotte and it kinda pissed me off. I understand they're the black sheep on the bill with mastodon, high on fire and dethklok but to hear some fat fuck yelling "you suck" while eagerly anticipating a cartoon band was a little hard to take.

I deeply regret looking up that album cover

@ Elitist Trash - that shit made my day. There is nothing less threatening than fuckers in corpse paint. The harder they try to show how EVIL they are, the funnier that shit gets.

@wolfmanman - "Info" hit the nail on the head. Their idea of what constitues "commercial" or "selling out" is so over the top. It holds no resemblance to what most people might consider commercial - selling a few million records, appearing on letterman, name producer on the new album, appearing in Target ads.

Blackula sho' nuff!

Fuck Yeah and so forth. This is the first G2G about something unabashedly shitty.

Nip/Tuck will definitely feature this in an upcoming episode.

Great call on Flapjack. I watch that show with my sons and it easily blows away Family Guy and The Cleveland Show (and I'm not too critical of either of those shows). Seth MacFarlane's shows just beat you over the head with their constant "Look how shocking or politically incorrect we are," but Flapjack's trips into

I think it's a little overboard to accuse this series of being misogynistic since it treats men and women as equally disposable. The guys who've had sex in the series don't have a higher survival rate than the women so it's not like the women are being singled out for indulging carnal desires.