
And apparently all 7 of those upvoted Malfunctioning Eddie's post. This article is bringing them out in droves.

You should sue them for using your image without prior approval. And I'll only ask for %15 of your winnings.

Since when is Sriracha fast food?

Great, now I feel like a jerk… Obligatory Happy Thanksgiving!


In the Cracked article? They mention Barks several times and Don Rosa didn't come up with a lot of the original stuff. He mainly expanded on what Barks had created. There's like a fifty year difference between the two men.

Someone needs to do a video with the Curb theme playing at the end of that scene.

What kind of a world are we living in where grandmas are watching the Kardashians? Now I feel old.

Been in a Wal-Mart recently?

Jesse is now Todd's new tarantula in a jar.

That movie kicks ass.

@avclub-0f2aab038be93ff407d92af691001e73:disqus  Get to bed, mister! And you better hang your head in shame the whole way there!

Freud would have a field day with that.

I do know one thing for sure: the value of Schraderbrau is going to skyrocket.

Hmm. I didn't catch that, but now it makes sense. Walt's always been incredibly smart and you know he knows the police are already there. Good point.

I agree. There's something about Phil Dyess-Nugent (I think?) that reeks of too-cool-for-school hipsterism.

@avclub-55e3810d28d3d3b098f2405b29602eea:disqus  I had a buddy who was selling coke and weed out of a Subway. He worked something like 4-10 and basically once the manager left for the day he had free reign.


I think so. That's why I vomited all over my floor.

She just uses very colourful language.