
ALL. OF THIS. I'm a little tired of Caroline making Klaus her bitch/two-legged antidote syringe, but I felt like giving her a pass this time because it's been a long hard season on all of us. ALL OF US.

like, these doppelgangers are drawn to each other as long as the blood lines continue? i'm not a fan of this at all, but it makes a little more sense that way.

Taking bets there will be a flashback at some point next season with Elena feeling guilty for compelling school administrators to let her graduate. Or maybe Damon did it for her. What odds are you down for?

I need a Laric (Alexi?) Greek chorus for Season 5. That's all I want for Christmas. MAKE IT SO.

Which sucks, because there was talk of another doppelganger before Katherine that I was hoping they'd introduce.

Yeah, and the fact that it was an issue for all of two seconds really took away all the oomph- it's getting to be like 'House' in that you can set your watch by Damon getting bitten/shot with a poisoned bullet Klaus' appearance to make the ouchie go away.

Is Elena a doppelganger of the woman he was in love with?
YOUR BRAIN. It is a beautiful thing.

Damon told Elena that what he wanted was for her to take the cure and she still refused, proving the sire bond is broken.
*facepalm* Dang. That was such a non-moment it just went right out of my head. Cheers for the reminder.

Dang. I was hoping you had a screener and could rewind. *lol*

I agree the Katherine taking the cure is kind of uninteresting. what is she going to do when she can't force anyone to like her and isn't the most powerful person in the room?

Something about balance in the universe when he was granted immortality and a shadow self/doppelganger being created as a result.

Hunh. Was trying to think of a portmanteau and could only think of 'Ratt', so… Works for me. :/

I thought they were an awkward match when they were (apparently) a couple, so… can't help you there.

1) Wait, did I miss something, how do we know the sire bond is broken?
I'm curious to hear the answer to that one myself.

This was an exciting, fast-paced hour, full of plot twists and nice character beats, but structurally it was totally scattershot. This is a symptom of trying to fit five pounds of plot in a one-pound bucket, and the strain of that showed a bit here.

Yeah, I spent a good minute wondering when Matt snuck off and time warped to his 21st birthday.

Reading the spoilers, it sounds like the writers are going to try and hit all of the bases in one hour. It's either going to be the most epic train wreck or be as epic as last season's finale or be the most epic train wreck. Stuck on 'epic train wreck'. Stuckstuckstuck, XC

Nice catch. The fact that anyone got left behind on that point illustrates just how badly that bit of the episode was executed.

Rules don't seem to matter when they're inconvenient to 'plot' here.

All of this. You use math and it STILL makes sense.