
"Oh god is it Romo?"
"Well OF COURSE It's Romo!"

"If there's anyone in this crazy show that I want a happy ending for, it's Harrow. Meet a nice girl, leave the life, settle down. Please. Give Richard that."*opens homemade creepy bible photo albums*

I thought the same. It seems like they would work more story lines in with Capone (if they follow timelines?) but other than Richard and Van Alden, where else can they go to keep us watching? The first season seemed like a fight to have returning viewers so I don't think those characters + possible herion route would


agreed. I kinda feel dead inside but SILLY ME thought everyone was going to get back together to form some kind of super group, hold hands and get cherry snowcones. Interested in seeing what kind of story line Richard has now…

"And you said we couldn't go from polio to mom rape…"

Is it bad that the first scene when this is brought up and not the incest scene was my

I say she does go back to Owen, Katy catches them, tries to blackmail Margaret, then is killed by Owen when Margaret backs out of doing it herself. Or something to that extent…

"A woman? Hit YOU?? Good one commodore!"

Scissor me timbers!

Well in this movie he kills himself on stage by pouring beer on his guitar. Now how could Nucky trick Eli into getting him a guitar…

If he dies the same way he did in wristcutters I will be extremely happy. (TIL: eli=eugene in that movie)