"Ok, well how does the catsuit make the rest of me look?"
"Fucking retarded—especially when you hop on that batpod. Seriously, it's ridiculous."
"Ok, well how does the catsuit make the rest of me look?"
"Fucking retarded—especially when you hop on that batpod. Seriously, it's ridiculous."
You wouldn't stay for Ghost Protocol? It looks pretty decent, you cock
Aww cute! It's like the stupid tagalong younger brother of Neckbeard's comment, or something.
Really? This warranted a write-up? A minute-long animated mish-mash of the movie's most brutal beats…color me astounded! Where's Drive in 30 seconds With Bunnies!? Also, this - ""it doesn't hold a candle to Sin City in terms of dark, soul-crushing face-smashing" - is simply inaccurate. SC is far too stylized and,…
Hehe easy there, Greg! You're perilously close to making it sound Troll 2-bad (and thus worthwhile on a lark) as opposed to just sleep-inducing
"… it takes a special kind of terrible to make a $40 million dollar film that's nearly unwatchable"
Not really
A somewhat more esoteric/geeky concession I would have preferred: "We make a lot of shitty blu-ray transfers, utilizing outdated masters pushing a decade old"
Ah yes, because pointing out a legitimate, glaring flaw (butchering of the term irony) + a grave internet injustice (a whole of lot people who should and most likely do know better conveniently overlooking it and giving a free pass, most likely out of established AVC "in-crowd" favoritism; can you imagine if Hear God…
Ohh, sweetest Michael. The way you've framed the traits of pretentious/pedantic/exuding an insufferable but thoroughly undeserved aura of smug superiority as a "differentiator" between myself and the garden variety AVC regular simply tickles my pickle. You're a faggot, in other words.
Well sure, Crass, I suppose this lil' Franco escapade could be considered "positively puritan" vis-a-vis ma and pa kettle's bedroom exploits if one cranks up the intellectual dishonesty to 11 and fixates exclusively on the surface aspect of "plastic cocks vs REAL ejaculationz!", but, I mean, NO ONE would do thaaat,…
I mean, now Hear God Laugh is going to walk around thinking that injecting the term irony into this same "Hey, speaking of (element from the topic at hand that forms only the most tenuous tie with the new thing about to be referenced; here blow-up dolls)—if only (connects established topic and new thing with tenuous…
It actually renders it completely unfunny, in fact. Are you really suggesting that rendering one's carefully considered, highly calculated "funny" remark entirely nonsensical by completely butchering the term at its very crux is comparable to a typo? What a twit.
No, but seriously. Not irony, by any definition of the term. 100+ likes, and nobody catches/acknowledges that? …Really? I expected (slightly) more from the likes of you hyper-critical, Aspergers-stricken AV regulars. Is the ruse really up? Are you all this fucking stupid? Ahh, it all makes sense now.
I suppose I'll be the asshat that registers just to say "That's not irony, you approval-seeking dweeb".