The secret vices of John Woo

Obviously I'm having fun conducting myself like a total shit and there's an element of pettiness here considering the price point, but there was a legitimacy to my original remark. Sure 2-3$ per album isn't much, but when they're readily available for free just as easily, it adds up, and that's that much more to spend

Obviously I'm having fun conducting myself like a total shit and there's an element of pettiness here considering the price point, but there was a legitimacy to my original remark. Sure 2-3$ per album isn't much, but when they're readily available for free just as easily, it adds up, and that's that much more to spend

Does the link to my profile play into that remark? If so, I mean, you seem to live on here? Irony abounds?

Does the link to my profile play into that remark? If so, I mean, you seem to live on here? Irony abounds?

Ah, the runner-up go-to bullshit youtube retort six years running behind "get a life", on a site where folks put GENUINE effort into sprawling posts three times the length of mine with one third the purpose daily. Sure

Ah, the runner-up go-to bullshit youtube retort six years running behind "get a life", on a site where folks put GENUINE effort into sprawling posts three times the length of mine with one third the purpose daily. Sure

You guys purchase MP3s? What are you, fucking retarded? I mean, when there are (FREE) lossless FLACS/WAVs/ALACs readily available three seconds away from the google searchbar—let alone the same (shitty, lossy) MP3s of marginally talented bullshit artists (Twin Shadows…really?) you just tossed Amazon's salad to

You guys purchase MP3s? What are you, fucking retarded? I mean, when there are (FREE) lossless FLACS/WAVs/ALACs readily available three seconds away from the google searchbar—let alone the same (shitty, lossy) MP3s of marginally talented bullshit artists (Twin Shadows…really?) you just tossed Amazon's salad to


Hm. All in all, fuck you Scott Agro

My dad would also eat this up - and I DO mean it as an insult! Laughable taste in movies, that man. Goddamnit, pop.

I'm not one to turn up my nose at cheesy mainstream dining establishments, but BWW is fucking terrible. Overpriced as all get out; tiny portions; as I believe someone mentioned drier than Meryl Streep's cunt…just ghastly. The NFL fever atmosphere doesn't help either.

Ah, yes, accusations of excess effort, dubious time expenditure, and lack of originality. From the smug 43 year old dipshit who fancies his brief late '80s stint in the Philly 'urban circus freakout squad' a high water mark of subversive comedy. Now go feed your cats

To be fair, Pedantic, you sound like an expert on cheeseball ad hominem. I mean, I was just giving an honest assessment on your 'bozo patrol' anecdote, not ripping your shithole avatar or speculating on the irritating degree to which you probably enjoy dead baby jokes (cuz they freak out the squaAaares, see!)

This Grinch business—SERIOUSLY underrated! Thing is, whatcha won't hear about in the book/movie is how a whole lotta that Whoville jailbait pussy has a serious hankerin' for outlaw Mountain Grinch dick, so there's just been absolute endless capitalizing on that, ya know?

To be fair, Pedantic, that sounds every bit as contrived and annoying as any of this flash mob/IE business
Edit: …And I see this entire line of discussion has already transpired between yourself and Dr. Henry here. Yeah, everything the Doc said.

Momentarily ignoring that Sheep Shearing sounds considerably less like 'a friendless old coot' than just your standard sensible 28-35 year old annoyed that the long-awaited death throes of the hipster ruse (and this flash mob bullshit that comes part and parcel) have been so excruciatingly drawn-out, I'll take

Well if he happens to be right, what's so wrong with that? It's an entirely different matter than, say, Charlie Sheen thinking he's superior to most of America, now, isn't it?

Well, we certainly know who the talent in the family went to. In stark contrast to In Bruges, this is a boring, joyless turd of a film.
"But Maaaawtin I wann' make moooveees toooo! Hmmmph!" (folds arms across chest)

I don't believe for a fucking second that any more than three of the people that liked Tofutti Break knew it offhand without having to google.