pierre clementi

"Stumblin In", her duet with Chris Norman is pretty great also.

Boy, you said it, Chewie. Where did you dig up that old fuck?

Not one columnist picked Nancy Grace?

I was saying boo-urns

Repeat, the white mouse will not explode

Any mention of his friendship with pet plastic surgeon Dr Armand?

"Used to"?

Scent of a Russian Hooker's Urine

I keep on reading how Hernandez's story is a "tragedy". By all accounts he's always been a horrible fucking person but was great at football.

My favorite hunting show has deer and white people in it also.

That's why we have the AV Club

I also don't care for Dave Franco, but I'd also add Kate Miccuci to the list. Ever since the days of Victoria Jackson there is something really off putting about grown women who act and talk like little girls.

That's actually John Landis in the ape suit. Rick Baker did the makeup, but he wasn't the ape.

I meant more that US citizens believe this.

And plenty of South Americans are also of Portuguese and Italian heritage.

That movie set back men's volleyball 20 years.

Tokyo Story, Pather Panchali, and all of the works of Kurosawa

I think the US is the only country in the world that still considers Hispanic/Latin a race. Its like saying Seal or Idris Elba are white because they are English. It's so ignorant. Latin American countries are made up of many different races.

Filled in for him when he was filming "Repo Man"

Wow, that kid's life is a lot different than mine when I was 12! For one, I played a fretless bass, and toured with the Circle Jerks on their NORTH American tour. Crazy!