And it's not even a Windsor knot!
And it's not even a Windsor knot!
Jesse Camp or GTFO
He hates prog and metal also. He's awful.
Thank you! That's a big omission. Great band!
Not a Pearl Jam fan but this shirt is awesome. The fact that Roxy Music, T Rex, The Damned, Joy Division/New Order, the Jam, The Smiths, and The Cure aren't in makes the HOF a joke.
If I ever see that Harry Shearer is on a podcast I always have to listen because he will inevitably have a story about why Lorne Michaels is the bigggest douche on the planet.
Best pair of fake SNL jeans: Bad Idea Jeans, Mom Jeans, 3 Legged Jeans or Jewish Jeans?
I used to call my first car the Adobe.
I’m terribly sorry that I put the staff in that position
Biola U sounds like some flu strain.
Spare me
He was born to be mild
For the most part congressmen or dumber than senators, given that they only have to represent a much smaller area, many of which are pretty fucking backwards.
With a splash of donkey sauce
Well, he can always get sage advice from his convicted felon father
And he was a shitty artist!
W liked to snort coke.
Yeah. And here I was thinking Marvin Gaye was straight.
Good for him, but this is right up there with Jim J Bullock and Brian Boitano's announcements.