
I completely understand (if?) her breakup with Woody Allen was incredibly stressful for her and caused her pain. It would be a giant betrayal even if he didn't leave her for her daughter. I don't know what happened. I'm not any more comfortable calling her a child abuser or shitty parent than I am calling Woody Allen

It gets weirder when you delve into the Mia Farrow part of it, and the fact that her brother is a convicted child molester. Moses (who never gets mentioned in these stories) said he has no doubt that Woody Allen did not molest any of his siblings -
"Of course Woody did not molest my sister," Moses, 36, told People

They just did stuff they heard old blues guys do.

It's another example of Trump lying, something he does even when he doesn't have to do it. You support a liar. You don't care if you are lied to. Why don't you care?

It's a sign that we should teleport Kid Rock into space.

Maybe Fox will see how smart Sony was to cooperate with Marvel and let them start using X-men.

Or that Hillary Clinton didn't actually murder 7 people.

Not sure which half. I will continue to research this. Is Alex Jones in Blink 182?

I think he said he was a guy who enjoys vacationing in Nice.

Let me file this under "No shit."

They were called boombalatties. Nobody gave a shit about offending fat people in the 80s.

I wondered if this was the crazy guy from Blink 182. I now know the answer is always yes.

Wrapper Flying Lotus

You're not the strongest reader.

We could use a good art war.

I don't think Smash Mouth fans did a lot of beating people up. It would have made them miss curfew.

She's a beautiful woman, and was very charming on Doug Loves Movies. She doesn't really seem like Squirrel Girl, to me.

Fast TImes at Ridgemont High?

I thought the suit was pretty great as a way to do exposition and what would have been internal monologue otherwise. Gave Peter more character development.

I thought the last action sequence was muddled and dumb. The previous two, however, were pretty great and suspenseful to me.