
His parents were dragon and wolf.

He's still winning javelin contests.

It seems mostly based on shit the author read on twitter. Scalloped Hammerheads and Great Hammerheads are endangered. There are eight other varieties not endangered. If fishing is cruel, in someone's opinion, that's fine (I eat fish, so I am generally ok with it, especially rod and reel fishing). If he did, in fact,

I'm pretty sure that opinion is not divided on slavery.

There are different types of hammerhead sharks. Only a few are endangered/protected. I don't know which one he caught. All of these people could be assholes. I don't know that either.

The Mooch went to Harvard!? We missed out on so much by his untimely demise.

I get that, but this guy apparently spends a lot of time contributing to the lack of civility on the internet. I don't think he should be doxxed, but I'm not spending a lot of time worrying about either of them. I don't want him to be harmed.

John Popper is an asshole. Rutherford is an internet troll. Fuck both of those guys.

This should cure his "naked political ambition." He won't be able to get a cup of coffee in D.C.. I'm guessing his wife doesn't care.

For a while, I thought I had made up Sambo's, but I googled it and it was real. I think REM used it as inspiration for "Begin the Begin."

She, Dinello and Colbert are all incredibly close. I just remembered DInello talking about his wife on Colbert recently.

They are not.

Don't be curious. Nothing they serve is very good. It's basically just strapping on the feedbag.

Brunching Shuttlecocks

I'm guessing Juggalos have a disproportionate number of child funerals.

"The difference between you and us is we have brains"

Also, "Why should they ask me to put on a uniform and go ten thousand miles from home and drop bombs and bullets on brown people in Vietnam while so-called Negro people in Louisville are treated like dogs and denied simple human rights?"

My favorite draft dodger is Muhammad Ali. "Man, I ain't got no quarrel with them Viet Cong."

What right is being violated?

We have conservatives - usually very showy about being christian and socially regressive (don't like same-sex marriage, shared restrooms, transgender people, abortions, legalizing drugs…), who say they are about shrinking the size of the government, but only ever want to shrink social programs like medicare, social