The theory is that one woman may have tried to murder her husband. Can that not be proposed without being hateful of all women? It's like saying that accusing O.J. Simpson of murdering his wife is racist.
The theory is that one woman may have tried to murder her husband. Can that not be proposed without being hateful of all women? It's like saying that accusing O.J. Simpson of murdering his wife is racist.
It looks to me more like the reverse of the stereotypes from movies like Something Wild or Bringin Up Baby, where an uptight man is taught to love life by a woman. You could almost see this as progress that a woman is in the businessman role.
This is stupid. Classic ptitchforks and torches over nothing. This guy's job is to analyze how to make more money. He says people turn off their radio more if you play too many female country artists. He's not making a judgment or expressing an opinion, just crunching numbers. The tomato thing was just a poor choice…
I think apologizing is about the least he could do, short of doing nothing at all. It's the mark of a person who is not a complete bastard, not a sign of being virtuous.
Oddly enough, Screech may have a legit self-defense claim, depending on whether he felt his girlfriend was in danger of serious bodily harm.
I still isten to new music and I am in my 40s, but I also think that chart looks like a penis, which means I am immature.
Except that he is going to digitally make Carrell look like Dicaprio with cold, dead eyes.
Thanks, Guest! I've been looking for something that sounds too good to be true. Where do I send my credit card number?
Pepper Potts kid is named Apple
That Jesus pendant looks like someone is giving him a prostate exam.
I don't necessarily agree with you but I applaud your ability to express your opinion. Well done, sir.
This is a perfect bullshit internet shitstorm. Somebody says some shit about something that makes it look bad and makes them look good for being so evolved. Then, after the news cycle is almost over, they take it back so they can make themselves look good again for being so above it. Yay Twitter! Joss Whedon comes off…
Yes, "modern" pop culture. Ancient myths and classic literature never discuss father issues.
I pictured James Earl Jones in Conan the Barbarian, because I can't remember what that character's name was.
It is cool that Michael Jackson gets respect. It's a shame that people can't respect and appreciate O.J. Simpson's many talents as well.
The coolest thing about him was Chris Kattan yelling "No, Vanilla!"
It originated with Judas Iscariot, and is, therefore, appropriate for this holiest of weekends..
I think you have the disproportionate ourage thing backwards. You would have to (at least) disagree vehemently with the guy on the Mad Men thread to be doing it right. If you want to stand out, accuse him of hating women or being a rapist.
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