Drunk Monkeys

That "F" is all I want for Christmas, Todd, thank you. That black and white holiday special had the air of an SNL sketch that you realize right away is going to be terrible, but that you've got four or five more minutes to get through. Except that Glee have us TWENTY MINUTES of that feeling.Ugh.

It's also worth mentioning that both Jeff and Pierce were separate from the group, Jeff by choice and Pierce because he was abandoned. They've been mirroring those two a lot this season in subtle ways, so I wouldn't be surprised if we have an episode where we see the group ditch Jeff sometime soon.

Yeah, I don't really get Todd's distaste for Annie episodes. She's a character you can actually see maturing, in spite of occasional Model UN driven freakouts. Season One Annie and Season Three Annie are very different people, and it's a credit to Brie that that development has been as subtle as it has.

She just couldn't withstand the bond between Jeff and his true love: his own reflection.