Deadpan Andre Braugher

I look forward to the return of Mr. Robinson with great anticipation. I find his antics to be quite amusing.

I will accept a Family Circus show only if it lasts one minute, and fifty-five seconds of that minute are devoted to the bloody slaughter of every single character. It is invariably the worst part of my newspaper reading experience. That includes the obituaries during the 1980's.

Revere was a braggart and a coward, and deserved every bit of loathing. Additionally, as Sleepy Hollow demonstrated, he was a poor dentist.

*clasps the hand of @douayrheimschalloner:disqus firmly, shakes twice, releases*

May I inquire as to why there was no mention of Terry's Japan flashback.

Truly, your wit and creativity rival my own.

Scully was reading the classic tome, Love Me; I'm Trying.

@mollyeichel , I must ask the question: "William Shakespreare".

This review was posted far too early. I would have registered this complaint earlier, but NuDisqus and my iPhone were at loggerheads.

I would, if I had not noticed the error on my own, corrected it, then read your reply.


I would have answered this, but I lost track of time playing Cwazy Cupcakes.

I would have answered this, but I lost track of time playing Cwazy Cupcakes.

It was a mistake to not proof-read my comment before posting. The error has been resolved. I believe the proper response is to suggest that you take what was known in my youth as a "chill pill".

Lessons were taken from the Grand Master of Mind Messery: Bill Murray.

I was Hula-hooping. Kevin and I attend a class for fitness and for fun. I've mastered all the moves: the "Pizza Toss", the "Tornado", the "Scorpion", the "Oopsie-Doodle".

Your desire is most… Illogical.

"Joke". It killed.

If you screw this up, I will impeach you. I wrote the bylaws, so I know how to do it. But, I'm very happy for you. But, I will impeach you if necessary.

The meeting is beginning. The stakes are very high for me. I'm getting nervous. My stomach is…