
He's more internet meme than man now.

TNOTB is also an essentially part of your father's big box of scifi paper backs.

About Biden and Palin, the difference is that Biden can hold down a job and open his mouth without embarrassing himself.

I know the Kill Fields was like twenty years ago. Retire man. Law and Order wasn't that great.

Black Smithers from season one.

Right, but the area's that she's being critical of are practically practically genre staples for pay-cable serials. That the characters are allowed to speak in long monologues while chewing the scenery is something that we saw weekly on shows like Game of Thrones, Deadwood, Boardwalk Empire, Dexter, and the Wire. The

Yea! I hate the way they talk too! Its worse than that cowboy show where nobody actually talked like a cowboy, and instead used the F-bomb all the time. Or that street crime show set in Baltimore where nobody actually talked like real gang bangers!

You know, you could use the phrase "good sportmanship" in the place of decorum and be saying exactly the same thing. And Bobby Knight's behavior is inappropriate for basketball. Its the reason he can be recognized as a good coach and still be more or less unemployable. Even the jobs he does get never last more than a

Everest is the highest point on the planet, so scaling it is a big deal. And that Columbus was trying to find a quicker route to the orient isn't exactly news to anyone. Intended or not, crossing the Atlantic in boats smaller than semi-trucks is a tremendous achievement. Having a collection of comic strips simply

Yeah, I think that he's aware that the idea of breaking the world down into jocks and nerds is a pretty silly idea. Judging by what he says about Barack Obama I would guess that he'd be aware that most people are able to foster a plethora of interests. I think what he's trying to say is that somehow an obsession in

Do we have Freeeench….friiiies?

A lot of the credit for that though belongs to Bio-ware. Those guys have been producing quality games that are incredibly similar to KOTOR for almost a decade now.

Yea, but Steve Buscemi just isn't charismatic enough to anchor a series, even on HBO.

When I say libertarian, I'm not using it derogatorily, but rather as a way of describing people who would advocate for a limited government as an ideal. This would encompass left libertarians, civil libertarians, objectivists, right libertarians, minarchists and classical liberals, as opposed to modern liberals and

Here's why it's libertarian. We would both agree that Stewart is a liberal, and that he personally believes that better government is the solution rather than less government. But the model of his show is to point out some failure in government, make a joke about it, and move on to the next punchline. He's never going

I also tend to prefer Maher's show to Stewart's or Colbert's, but then again the three are very different. I think its because Maher essentially runs a panel show where the moderator happens to be a comedian,rather than a journalist, broadcaster or policy wonk. It makes it more stable because if the guest are

So their problem is that they always make the post season. Champagne problems, huh?

I'd sub out Cat People for something like Suffragette City. If you're a closer, you don't want to be putting out fire with gasoline.

No, the reason people hate the Yankees is because they always seem to have the highest pay role in a sport without a salary cap. This is why they never really seem to have a down year. There isn't a baseball fan outside of New York that hasn't watched one or more of their stars leave for a higher salary with New York.

Presidents Truman, Johnson and Kennedy would like a word with you.