
You mean the woman and nonwhite voters that compose perhaps the most vital part of the democratic base nominated…

Fair enough I suppose. But re-reading the today I was taken aback by it. The ugliness you mention is certainly there, but the way Mailer road mapped the way the next fifty years or so of progress from 1957, and the way that he pinpoints the end result of it as a great, positive, cultural blending are kind of

In terms of content its more about how white perceptions of black culture, which may well have been stereotypes, would enter the mainstream in the aftermath of WW2 as greater number of people wanted to dissociate from what he, and they, saw as the cultural homogeneity of the 1950s. Black culture as, as white middle

My horse drank a bottle of that stuff. Long story short, my cow is dead.

My horse drank a bottle of that stuff. Long story short, my cow is dead.

Here lies Anakin Skywalker. He died saving his family from a destroyed, sinking deathstar.

Here lies Anakin Skywalker. He died saving his family from a destroyed, sinking deathstar.

Which means that that man from eBay lied to me.

Which means that that man from eBay lied to me.

"I yam your daw-ter." From the Others. It's from a few years later, but its burned into my memory.

"I yam your daw-ter." From the Others. It's from a few years later, but its burned into my memory.

It depends on how you look at it really. As a culture the Chinese aren't as predisposed as westerners to strict rigidly to ideology, instead opting for a kind of flexibility, especially when those ideologies are imports, as Communism is. Look at the way that Taoism was graphed on to Buddhism in "Journey to the West."

It depends on how you look at it really. As a culture the Chinese aren't as predisposed as westerners to strict rigidly to ideology, instead opting for a kind of flexibility, especially when those ideologies are imports, as Communism is. Look at the way that Taoism was graphed on to Buddhism in "Journey to the West."


Lol that'd be a great episode but you'd never see it on network TV.

Lol that'd be a great episode but you'd never see it on network TV.

As I scrolled passed all those "L" I saw the face of God.

As I scrolled passed all those "L" I saw the face of God.