dumbfounded dipshit

Cooper's right: I'm not very good at my job.

She's lovely!

This was the first episode of this show I've seen. Please tell me it gets better than this. You have to fuckup pretty bad to make Ochocinco un-entertaining.

The Steamers will roll Beige Alert if Todd doesn't grab another qb this week. Stafford and Rapesberger?! ouch

"She always smells like a bunch of men!"

A Tarantino-style shootout that leaves the whole office dead?

I thought Joan was cruel to Peggy in the elevator. It seemed uncalled for, but Peggy's a badass, so I'm sure she'll get over it.

Did somebody say there was porn on Facebook now?

It's high quality cleavage.

Well at least in this sitcom, the fat guy isn't married to a hot thin woman clearly out of his league. So they got that going for them. Which is nice.

Fuck L. Ron Hubbard and fuck all his clones. Peggy is starting to get to me.
*puts on pants, heads to the bathroom, takes pants off*

*moves up one spot in line*

I'm just glad I got the Cookie Monster in my league!

Don also might want to, you know, actually spend time with his kids when he has them.

Ooooh, NASCAR disdain! So edgy!!1!

The one and only D.R.E.?

Not her ass!

She needs to do it Mama Cass-style.

It's not a toque, it's a toboggan. At least in the south it is.

Rockford Files!