dumbfounded dipshit

Cyrus: Damn straight these people know nothing of our misery. Last week my LBJ 23 jersey replaced the Terrible Towel as my cumrag.

It's true: dipshits ruin everything good.

I was wondering how they handle paydays at the meth-lab. Do employees bring their own duffelbags or what?

"Ya crazy bastard, you broke my rib!"

This is the Miley Cyrus vehicle, right?


very stiff indeed.

I really liked the slapstick in this ep.

justpassingby: well-played.

America needs a Brian Fellows movie.

I gotta get Swanson's new ringtone too. It scared the shit out of everybody around him. Hilarious. Great show.

Cleveland. Cleveland is ALWAYS a punchline.

I thought Jesse got a good deal for his class project, since he already had made four other boxes by the end of the class.

He should go to Cleveland- more pouts than you can shake a stick at!

Al Davis was vehemently opposed to the AFL-NFL merger, Yee Yee.

I love how she's the one that gets punched in the face first to start the whole rumble.

But how did she know about the party when she didn't recieve her invitation?


Even though the two clubs have similarities, the NY Yankees are clearly more evil and rotten than ManU. Goes double for Yankee fans. I would root for al-Quieda if they were playing the Yankees. Fuck the Yankees. With a stick.

Done and done.