dumbfounded dipshit

Wasn't the bullet Hank picked up the same one that the gun dealer gave the Cousins? Can't beat a hollow-point. Unless you got to clean up afterwards.

*wandering through the Phish lot*
…"lookin' for the fungai"…

Memphis would be a bad choice, since there's already a huge pyramid there. Cage would look like a cheapskate by comparrison.

"There's some…great stuff in the trash."

That's what I was thinking, Doc. She (or however many people are cobbled together in this image) looks awful.

Dixie is short for "failed nation."

The D*ck Van D*ke Show, starring D*ck Van D*ke!

Haven't you heard?

How is he? Is he OK?

Not to defend SATC, but most movies are a form of escapism. Oh, and I'm totally Charlotte in my group!

"Ohhhh, rainBOWS! Oh yeah, I like them; they're cool."

To be fair…
I would scream a lot if I was faceless.

Damn Crackity, my medium only reads my palm.

Calling yourself European is like me calling myself North American. Fuck your continent son, where you from?

Eh, it's still better than all the pink involved in any breast cancer awareness campaign in sports.

Any day now I expect Elin to take the salad bowl from Tiger and simply say "I fucked Phil," before sitting down to a nice family dinner.

I'm pretty sure that CRANK WEEK would be on Logo.

I want to promote…discussion
Is that a new Nike shoe technology?

As useless as teh NBA's "Green Week," where the players wear green headbands and shoes.

Pfft, I don't even have a skin car!