Grissom is Tye Diggs compared to that cigar store Indian Otis Nixon.
Grissom is Tye Diggs compared to that cigar store Indian Otis Nixon.
Goldberg also host "Bullrun" on SPEED TV. So at least he's still working.
Because he's such a FIERCE competitor; get it?
John was in Jerry Jones' suite last night for the Eagles beatdown. Dude lost a lot of weight.
Psst…lemme know if you wanna go halfsies on an O.
With the exception of OSU national championship over the Hurricanes, all of my good sports memories fo this decade fall into the hater category. So yeah, 18-1 Patriots tops the list.
Oh nononononononono,
Not mememememememe…
All the Donnas. Even the "curvy" one.
The sad part is that six months after this movie comes out, you can have all the Great Dane rescues you can handle. Dog movies help convince me that most people don't make good parents.
I really enjoy the show, but I can't stand the pre-challenge skits. And for some reason, I was really disappointed when I saw Adam in a NASCAR-related credit card commercial. "Aww man, he's just an actor!"
Well, maybe when you someone eat them.
Yep, just lik Engish.
Armpit Cleveland got the HoF by rigging the Rolling Stone vote better than San Francisco did. Thanks WMMS!!
I agree. I think the museum is pretty awesome for pop culture fans, but a Hall of Fame is pretty useless, beyond inspiring debate over the choices.
First: the Airing of Grievances.
Then: the Feats of Strength.
I thought it was for those times when you're not sure of the religous affiliation of the person you are addressing.
But what happened to Bailey Quarters? More specifically, what happened to her awesome boobs?
*stares, counts minutes until the end of the workday. smiles*
Don't bother me. I'm busy.
I thought Coker was an awesome name for a Miami coach.