Nikos The Funky Greek

One of the reasons I no longer bother to read the GoT reviews on Westeros.org is because they're always, always extended bitch fests about perceived lack of fidelity to the source material, as if any change is an affront to GRRM. Even when GRRM writes the episodes.

There should be a TV movie, one of those feel-good narratives about a bunch of broken down, apathetic TV writers who are headed toward unemployment and career failure until an inspiring teacher/mentor, Mr. VanDerWerff, arrives to lift the listless writers out of their doldrums by teaching them how to really author a

Saw a promo for this during last week's South Park, and it was just Hardwick popping on the screen to start the commercial break with another one of his hashtags, a la Talking Dead and Talking Bad. I thought it was Comedy Central just fucking with its audience, but that turned out to be wishful thinking.

Not a big fan of Neil Cicerega (although I loved Animutations), but he's spot-on with that comment. Is NBC gonna let Dawson rock blackface for his ridiculous "Shaniquay" character? And will the show consist anything but Dawson adoringly framing his own face with MySpace angles against yellow and blue backgrounds?

It's usually the Knicks City Dancers during time-outs, so he was probably just disgusted at the Stinkerbockers getting abused by San Antonio.

I was at the Garden for last night's game against Houston. Once again the seats are packed, celebrity row is well stocked, and the Garden is LOUD. The only thing missing is a good basketball team. Larry David's expression says everything you need to know about the Knicks.

That was a massive intuitive leap when Zoe declared Spaulding was lying because he "knows a few tricks." Really sloppy work from writers who needed Zoe to say, "Aha!" but couldn't think of a way to have her connect the dots.

"We'll, then, count me out."

What? To me (and probably to a lot of other guys), Lauren Cohan is a hell of a lot more attractive than Angelina Jolie ever was. She even looks gorgeous without makeup and covered in filth, and she looks like a healthy woman who actually eats a fucking sammich once in a while.

Didn't they also replace The Mountain for the second time? There was the first guy, who seemed pretty badass, then there was The Beanpole Who Rides in S2, and apparently there's gonna be a new guy. Constantly recasting characters is a sure fire way to fuck things up, and I say that as a person who loves the TV show.

Good point, it made zero sense for the character to completely avoid picking up any medicine and yeah, it was just a sloppy job by the writers so they could get Daryl worked up.

Killing people because they *might* turn is a completely different thing than killing zombies or killing people who have been bitten and are on the verge of turning. If someone gets a scratch, will they turn up dead by the next morning because Carol took preventative measures? What about the whole cell block of sick

The most unrealistic thing about TWD is the outrage over D'Angelo Barksdale's bottle of whiskey, as if people in that situation wouldn't be getting sauced constantly to avoid dealing with reality. Some people will contest that, saying life-or-death situations demand sobriety, but history shows us the opposite — from

Thanks for the tedious lecture on ideology. Can you review the movie now please?

My thoughts exactly. This whole essay (I guess you'd call it am essay, because it's not a review) is a bunch of bullshit masquerading as some sort of intellectual meditation on morality.

Todd, what kind of wealth and privilege did Walt and Skyler White really enjoy from Walt's ill-gotten fortune? They lived in the same shitty house, they worked in a fucking car wash, and their entire lives were consumed with the stress of hiding their activities from their kid and the rest of their family.

BSG was amazing, but it wasn't solely produced by SyFy so the network couldn't unilaterally mess with it or cancel the series.

TBBT has Brent Spiner, Katee Sackhoff and Wil Wheaton as more malicious versions of themselves because it's funny, and because half the fun is seeing these familiar actors playing themselves.

More commercials, yay! And 38 minutes of BB narrative instead of 32! The only thing better than this is seeing a Subway commercial extolling the freshness of its meats immediately after watching Darryl and Rick autopsy a zombie corpse.

How one kid's idea of music's worst format is kind of popular at emo and hardcore shows in Connecticut.