
That's MISTER Pig to you, LaFlair.  I refuse to call you Dookiestain.

Riddle Box.  The Amazing Jeckyll Brothers.  The Wraith:  Shangri-La.

You'd have to launch Aziz Ansari into space for that to be true.

Fetching coffee for Fred Durst sounds like an acceptable reason for ritual suicide.

No.  Could you explain the premise?

You should have showered with everyone else.

I'm sure plenty of women would like to be filled by Jon Hamm.

Funny story, I have a friend who legally changed his name to Jared Syn because of that movie.

I took a 7 year old to see The Incredibles.  The little shit got his arm stuck in the cupholder at the end of the arm-rest, the movie had to be stopped because he was crying and shrieking in pain from something he did to himself, EMTs had to be called, it was a whole thing that proved to me that I'm never taking

Let's be honest, there's literally NOTHING I would be afraid to ask about sharks.  Now, would I be afraid to ask the sharks themselves?  HELL YES.

I would pay literally tens of dollars to see Hannah and her Sharknados.  As long as Woody Allen gets eaten while trying to romance a girl one third his age.

Did The AV Club ever cover Dead Like Me?

I support this message.  Also, this reminds me that I need to find the complete series on DVD, so I can introduce my friends to it.

Well, there goes my plans for the night.  Which only involved booze and crying in the dark anyway…

Parker Posey is over 60? She looks INCREDIBLE.

I'd go with X-Men and Jean Grey here, but that would make me sound like John Byrne, and I'd have to kick my own ass.