Patrick Gerard

I don't think they exist at all. I think they're basically just a bunch of New England prep school guys who were buddies with James Spader in the late 70s and who got made fun of by Conan O'Brien at Harvard. And so they put on suits and pretend to run the network.

No way. If Barney had won the belt, he'd have taken credit for it.

This does raise a point. Ted's car is at the wedding. So why is he taking the train back?

He wouldn't have gone to the wedding if he lived somewhere else, I guess?

The use of sneakers was a reference to a summer 2013 filibuster in Texas where Wendy Davis wore sneakers. Nobody typically wears sneakers or stands the whole time and national filibusters since Obama got elected don't typically involve speaking as there is no requirement to stand or speak at the national level. That's

Just a funny sidebar.

Minor annoyance. Robin made the filibuster joke. This entire season takes place… May 23-25th, 2013, right?

Maybe the opening credits are from the POV of a drunken Lily going through a photo album as everyone else tries to sing her back to sobriety.

You lose 50% of your soul for every child you conceive. Where do you think new souls come from?

Barney is a master of disguise. Maybe in his picking up days, he established a separate personality as a female bass player with a lesbian roommate and a possessive boyfriend for awhile.

Have we seen Marshall and Lily's wedding rings in the flashforwards?

And two seasons ago when Ted said that Marshall would save the world in the future is either unresolved or tied to the judgeship, most likely.

He said Brolumubus did. Broses, Abroham Lincoln, etc. aren't so much Barney's names for Moses, Abraham Lincoln, etc. as they are separate historical figures drawn from his own faulty memory and whatever point he needs to make.

We already saw Robin's dad in a flashforward to the wedding after-party, dancing with Robin as a dejected/drunken Ted listens to the mother perform onstage.

Dollhouse did have an identifiable villain in the second half of S2. I think it redeemed itself there.

Push polls and the internet in particular tend to be very libertarian.

I have encountered more than one rich person who goes around buying 10, 20, 50 copies of the book a year to hand out. And many, many conservative professors who assign it as required reading for courses. I think that accounts for its sales.

Are you suggesting a Michael J. Fox variety hour?

I find it funny that nobody remembers that Britta is (ironically) super-talented as a homemaker. The episode they tested that concept in (Urban Matrimony) wasn't my favorite by far but that concept, I thought, was genius.

Nah. He ages and then gets plastic surgery in a surprise Nip/Tuck crossover, taking him back to the "correct" appearance for the pilot.