
So much rage at that trope.

@avclub-0f2aab038be93ff407d92af691001e73:disqus True, but the problem here is that one of B5's selling points is how much everything was worked out beforehand.

@avclub-0f2aab038be93ff407d92af691001e73:disqus True, but the problem here is that one of B5's selling points is how much everything was worked out beforehand.

The thing is, though I had no idea of what Don Knotts was famous for, I would probably have known who he was through his guest spot on Scooby-Doo that they were always rerunning.

The thing is, though I had no idea of what Don Knotts was famous for, I would probably have known who he was through his guest spot on Scooby-Doo that they were always rerunning.

Indeed! I mean, who among us hasn't accidentally started a petition to reinstate William Wyler's Oscar for Gladiator?

Indeed! I mean, who among us hasn't accidentally started a petition to reinstate William Wyler's Oscar for Gladiator?

It was a lot of loathing in a small package!

It was a lot of loathing in a small package!

To be fair, they're doing much better on TV on that count.

To be fair, they're doing much better on TV on that count.

As an incipient teenager, I loathed her. Not only was she one-note, the note was "Golly, teenagers sure can't control their emotions!" Guh.

As an incipient teenager, I loathed her. Not only was she one-note, the note was "Golly, teenagers sure can't control their emotions!" Guh.

Yes! One of the great Star Trek characters.

Yes! One of the great Star Trek characters.

This, this, a million times this.

This, this, a million times this.

More like Geoff Johns. Interesting ideas, terrible fixations.

More like Geoff Johns. Interesting ideas, terrible fixations.

@avclub-095543c425d38265455b460a8b71ee8f:disqus  Interesting. I remember the US versions being fairly bland soap opera, interesting only because it was commercials trying something different.