
Oh god. The Cold Equations is the ne plus ultra of "a rebuttal of contrived stories that manages to be exponentially more contrived".

@avclub-23dc117ef9479407fb6c6a666005af40:disqus But Wesley is basically an archetypal version of those same nerds.  If anything, I'd say it's people seeing what they dislike about themselves in him.

You know, usually I think you're being overly nitpicky - but seriously, the "dead star" thing was way beyond the pale.  WTF.

I started reading this paragraph assuming it was more rhymes and got very confused.

…you know, I didn't get the name gag until it was outright stated at the top of the post.

You know, I remembered seeing "Rules of Acquisition" back in the day and enjoying it, but only vaguely remembering the details, and hearing all the complaints about "Profit and Lace", and being afraid that this was the episode I liked so much. (Considering I'd also enjoyed "Move Along Home", it wasn't an unjustified

Eh.  That's as oversimplified as the opposite, honestly.  Humans are diverse; some of us lash out instinctively, while others approach with wonder.  The point of Star Trek is that we should put the latter in charge of our explorations into the unknown.

Even on Deep Space 9, F.O.E.!

After coming down and reading that one, I came back and liked the original post.

That is basically my opinion.  Not that rap is bad, but it's never been my taste; but the ridiculous flow these two are bringing is impressive no matter what.

Personally… I think it's not about "entertainment programs [being] pushed to support an agenda".  I think it's about all those liberal artists out there who shrug and shake their heads and say "that's how the system works" when the executives or the casting director or whoever excludes people who aren't of X group

Honestly, though, that's like saying that, because the methods we can use to fix the problem exist, the problem is no longer a problem.  We have to actually use them, to get that diversity out there, through whichever medium.  The Internet is helping, but it's still influenced by all these other parts of the culture.

(punches Noël Coward in the face)

Honestly, my problem with that is that it lumps together all forms of privilege.  Let's just say "minor but still annoying problems".

"Call me naive, but it doesn't seem like racism among casting directors is a big problem facing our society. Perhaps I am wrong."

Everybody does.  It's infuriating. :/

What, worse than Crimes and Misdemeanors, the movie with less understanding of human nature than, well, Steve Harvey?

@avclub-75a04ea0cbb9289084240583b76892d8:disqus  expressed my opinion perfectly. (Two days ago. Shut up.)

Yeah, honestly, Harry feels very much like an actual person to me.  An annoying person sometimes, but someone who deals with the strange situation they've been thrust into as best they can.

My gods yes.  Now *there*'s something that would've worked on DS9, if you got the special effects right. (IMHO, creative blocking and use of costumes would've minimized the need for a lot of expensive FX shots.)