
That trailer is gorgeous. Wow. If the season lives up to that, we'll have a new one for the all-time lists (and also, a massive finger to those who think that network television can't compare to cable).

Moon is more technically interesting (great art direction, superb score) than great. It really doesn't hold up to scrutiny.

In fairness, hasn't Capaldi had two different roles in the Whoverse?

One thing worth noting about the music composition categories is that the show cannot submit a composer; the composer must do that on his/her own (Rule five under entry procedures states

"But that is so standard for TV and movies to the point where I think it had eroded people's ability to qualify someones age."

The fake pregnancy got me to stop watching the show.

Loved him.  I had all the toys as a kid.

This hurts

"What are you doing, picking cotton to weave?"
"I can even say your name the—-other way"

Robb Stark getting killed by a hail of arrows.  Especially in context of Stannis' declaration of him as a pretender to the throne in the prior episode.

a) I'm the fool that fell for the Casterly Rock plan.  I didn't think it was a red herring.

Yeah, I started tearing up.  Rickon just fell into Bran's arms to give him a hug.

While I agree Cosmia's been more functional then the rest, that entire scene with Delphine - from learning her tagging number, to the code revelation - was beautifully written and the acting by Maslawny was perhaps the best she's ever been.

You know, Cosmia's story disappoints because it seems more plot functionality than character.  While I believe that intelligent/rational people will behave rashly/stupidly when in love/lust, he pursuit of Delphine seemed just as much intellectual as sexual/romantic (monitoring the monitor and so on).  She even said

I thought the most interesting character moment was perhaps when Cersei tried to prevent Joffrey from harassing Sansa ("why don't you go talk to your bride to be?").

I kinda loved it.  There was an interesting structural conceit - the scenes seemed shorter than usual and they edited in such a manner that they almost felt like they'd crash into the next scene - and I felt it paid off given the way the episode really did scramble all those balls in the air.  The sheer velocity of

Man, I love having a library card.