Gleeth Yurnix

Fair enough. It does bear consideration though that, given the percentage of women who are reported to have voted for Trump in the last election, that the message of empowerment for the younger generation has never been more important … even if it's delivered via a blatantly profit-driven, big-budget Hollywood film.

Especially when they're competing with the likes of PG rated fare like Captain America, Spider-Man, Ant-Man, etc., an R rating makes absolutely zero sense. (Among the many valid criticisms of BvS is that it should have been waaaaay more kid friendly.)

You're not wrong, but I'm not sure you're fully right, either. Sure, this is first and foremost a commercial enterprise — and so is pretty much everything else in the entertainment world. The question is, within that framework, what are the intentions of the filmmakers — who are hired by the financiers to yes create a

I think Chastain will continue to be in demand despite her age (if only because she's never really been relegated to the romantic-interest role; she seems to have avoided rom-com roles in the past, which may be a factor there). Consider also that Amy Adams is in her early 40s and still getting plenty of high-profile

The one where they get God high and he ends up killing a dude with a remote control, and the one where they get arrested as terrorists for leaving a fart "bomb" in a cop car … granted, it's pretty crude and even juvenile stuff, but I'd be hard pressed to think of any other sitcom moments that made me laugh as hard as

One of my favorite On Cinema jokes is how often the archives are destroyed … then easily replenished by Gregg finding a bunch of videos at a garage sale, or by people sending in their boxes of unwanted videos. Hell, my dad has hundreds, maybe thousands of VHS tapes in his garage. He still watches 'em, but even if he

2 Wasn't 2 Here

Out for what do you need that gun?

Smoking hot ex-model with a toxic personality and absolutely no empathy or compassion for others? She's perfect for Fox News. I wouldn't be surprised if this whole thing was part of some elaborate audition process.

"There's a reason for the phrase, 'as dumb as an actor'."

That is such a great song on so many levels — musicianship, songwriting, vocals … dude was ridiculously talented, especially in those days.

I read the NYT article a few hours before I saw the AVC's version, and it struck me as even-handed. I'd say it's a pretty neutral look at how Fallon is weathering losing his ascendancy, and doesn't at all present him as a victim. Which in turn sort of reinforces a nagging feeling I've had lately that, since they've

I gotta admit, "ORANGES ARE A FUCKING HASSLE," a ZMF tweet from like 10 years ago, still pops into my head when I'm peeling an orange.

Counterintuitive though it may seem, none of the three things you listed typically translates into a "hit" or even "something that gets renewed."

You came pretty goddam close, though! I'm not sure that you should be so smug about not "picking the fucking moron" when it takes more than one election just to be sure you didn't pick that fucking moron.

Did they fire Rabin recently? He deliberately quit along with Phipps and Tobias for the Dissolve like 5 years ago and I thought they were pretty gracious to hire him back after that, especially after his subsequent, painfully desperate "I gave all my money to a con man please hire me I'll write whatever you want even

Holding antipathy towards people for their appearance isn't advisable. That's what Republicans do, and you sure don't want to be identified among the likes of them. Nicki Minaj has made some great music, and some not-so-great music. Give it a spin and then judge it according to your tastes, and leave it at that.

Haha, those crazy muppets never quite did get the hang of html

Hey, it worked* for Dumb & Dumber 2!

It's creepy as hell … but in a story about working-class Midwesterners circa 1980-1995, it is not inaccurate.