Gleeth Yurnix

I'd say they skimp on both dragons and direwolves. As much as I love this show, every time one of those cartoonish wolves pops up it takes me right out of it. And every time they show Dany riding one of those dragons, well goddam, it just looks fucking ridiculous, to be honest.

You're being generous. Even a sack of shit has practical value as fertilizer. This mewling goon, on the other hand, is more comparable to a cancerous tumor on America's nutsack.

I realize tweets are not a high level of discourse by any means, but seeing a professional "journalist" actually communicate with "Lol" and "u r" like a goddam 12 year old really emphasizes what an adolescent moron he is. Even Trump doesn't do that.

Isn't it crazy expensive these days, too? It's like Coachella or Cannes or Comic Con, so far past its peak and original point that one wonders who in his or her right mind would even endure the hassle of attending, save for EW reporters, the naively young or the obscenely rich.

I'm just trying to rent a movie from Redbox

And what if that werevampwolfechaun was bitten by a radioactive spider and then elected president of the United States?

It's good to hear that old school Avengers finally gets interesting before issue 20. I've read the first 10 books on Unlimited but it's slow going … more unintentionally funny than anything else (like when Iron Man rescues Cap and Giant Man by picking them up in a pickup truck in issue 6 or 7 or whatever). Nowhere

I've never read a Punisher-specific comic that I can recall, but back in the day, whenever he showed up in a Spider-Man or Daredevil book they would treat him with absolute disdain. I'm not caught up on the modern incarnation, but the old school Punisher was basically a villain who preyed on other villains.

I think a real "goddess"-level actress — say, a Blanchett, a Stone, maybe even a Watts — could have brought just a smidgen of life to the role of Lois Goddam Lane. I mean, even Ben Affleck managed to be charismatic in that flick, despite Snyder's inept direction. What's the goddess Adams' excuse?

Man, I don't know. I think he's smarter than he comes off — I guess I basically agree with Noah that he's a showman who knows how to work a crowd. Like I said, he may be senile, or a psychopath, but he's not necessarily stupid. His base is, though, and so he speaks their language.

I don't think being addicted to twitter, which he clearly is, is the real problem. His real issue is being a psychopath, or senile, or just addicted to the easy attention that the medium provides.

I'm not sure how exactly it works, maybe he's not listed as producer, but he is co-owner of the production company and co-show runner, so he's got much more of a say than just a hired actor. I mean, you guys may be right that this is about money, but I don't think that's how they would approach it, unless there's been

I think he is a producer? Glenn, Rob and Charlie own the production company that makes the show.

Maybe not trolling per se, but it is exactly the sort of answer you'd expect him to give after being asked to comment on the last episode's cliffhanger. "Is Dennis really leaving?" "Maybe. Maybe not. I don't mean to be evasive here, but you'll have to watch to find out."

Haha, well you got me there. That place is clearly all about los lupolos. As you say, though, that is their stated specialty, and they take that shit to the extreme. An exception, not the rule.

Last winter I was obsessed with Lost Abbey Serpent Stout porter, which is expensive but ridiculously good, and even more so with some Belgian chocolate (and Game of Thrones DVDs).

I can't argue that IPAs tend to dominate, but if Harris Teeter is carrying 8 porters, that ain't bad, and much more in line with a fair representation of beer variety. (It can perhaps be inherently understood why dark, heavy beer is not the most popular in the hot, humid southern states served by Harris T.) Btw not

Re: your first paragraph. Tell the bartender, that's too many IPAs. It'd be better for business if you had more of a selection. They'll probably hear it enough to make it actually happen. Chances are that whoever's making that call now doesn't really understand the concept of variety, or is being steamrolled by an

Are you serious? Your supermarket carries 100+ IPAs but just 2 porters? Are you sure you're not exaggerating?

The backlash against IPAs is hardly a new thing; it's been going on for years. Amber, brown, red, lager, sour, pilsner, stout, porter, gose, wheat, pale, etc etc — the market is teeming with IPA alternatives. I get that IPA hating is a fun, fashionable bandwagon to ride, and can understand that its popularity among a