Clyde Griffiths

Now were closer to a new Blur album! I have nothing to base this on other than my own wishful thinking though! HOORAY!

The Masterplan is underrated, as is most Oasis albums.

And let's not…
…make another nickelodeon of that nice fellow who happened to impregnate a rather dreary young woman and then subsequently arrange to fix the rather tiresome situation himself. I mean to think! It could be horribly misconstrued!

That young temptress had it coming! No Mary Jane Watson was she, I can reassure both you and as a matter of dire importance, I, of whom which is most distressed by your grandiloquent accusation!

I say it is high time!
For a wonderful reboot! I remember when I was a younger man and I went to the Nickelodeon to see the first film strip of the Spider-Man. WONDEROUS JOY! Sadly, it was but 10 years ago and the syphilis has been aiding my misremembering of said event. Bring forth a new young bastion of hope! The

Plus Johnny Depp plays slide guitar on one song, which is something.

They're (unfortunatley) last album is as good as the first two.
Heathen Chemistry is a bit underrated as well.

They're awesome. Sorry?

I vehemently disagree.

Hoisted by my own petard.

Huzzah! Mr. Cameron has promptly been handled by us two social event observers!

I didn't care for this moving picture
and the internet needs to know that!


Yes but generally when I get a shitfest of a film from Netflix it takes me about that long to eventually watch it.

I'm going to set this up in my queue so it arrives on Jan 2nd, 2012. This is just so I can have the ulitmate ironic moment at the end of times if it does indeed take place.

Is it inappropriate of me to enjoy some random songs after the 70's? Such as "Too Much Blood"?

Little Queenie
You can only get it on this album and it's so worth it. Awesome.

I only bought
Generation X because I found it at a used book sale and inside was a book report deeming it "the worst book ever" according to the 8th grader reviewing it. How does one NOT buy it after that? Thank you Kirsty. I think of you as I read it everytime I take a deuce.