David Marcenaro DeBernardis

No love for a Grover Cleveland reference? "He left two non-consecutive messages!" genius

And yeah, Im glad there was no "MY DRAGONS" in this episode; I loved Dany in season 1, and in the books; in ADWD she can be a bit wishy-washy and makes bad decisions, but only because shes feeling the pressures of ruling for the first time; at least its not turning her into a drunk like Robert or a nutjob like Cersei.

And yeah, Im glad there was no "MY DRAGONS" in this episode; I loved Dany in season 1, and in the books; in ADWD she can be a bit wishy-washy and makes bad decisions, but only because shes feeling the pressures of ruling for the first time; at least its not turning her into a drunk like Robert or a nutjob like Cersei.

You know what I dont get? if all the ships are gonna be CGI anyway, why didnt they include some larger galleys and even a few lyseni ships (though we know salladhor kept most of his ships away from the battle)? *SPOILER ALERT* I'm looking forward to a scene where davos is rescued by Salla himself, rather than just

You know what I dont get? if all the ships are gonna be CGI anyway, why didnt they include some larger galleys and even a few lyseni ships (though we know salladhor kept most of his ships away from the battle)? *SPOILER ALERT* I'm looking forward to a scene where davos is rescued by Salla himself, rather than just

I'm sorry but I must disagree, on so many levels. I like changes to the book when they make sense, compress hundreds of pages of needless exposition, or dont matter (like syrio having hair), and yeah XXD was kinda annoying in the books, but the Qarth storyline in the show makes NO sense. The Spice King is totally