
Anyone else think Jared was channeling his inner Mr.Orange (Tim Roth) during his death scene/exposition dump? Can't say he fully succeeded, but valiant effort.

As someone who watches a number of the CW shows, I'd say the grading is extremely fair.
I think it's unfair to blindly judge a show based on the network it's on, especially when a number of their shows are currently firing on all cylinders.
Maybe check them out and catch up on some good tv.

GREAT show. Everyone should give it a shot!

Pro Tip: Anyone who wants EXCELLENT Big Brother should watch BB Australia. SO GOOD.

This show is SO good. Not ready for it to be done.
Come on ABC FAM! Renew!!

This show is legitimately amazing. After hearing how good it was for a while I finally watched after episode 4 aired, and it's easily one of the funniest shows on tv. Anyone on the fence should 100% give it a shot.
And please Comedy Central renew it!

Broadchurch has been EXCELLENT. Hopefully it doesn't go unnoticed whenever it airs on BBC America.
Amazing cast, and some of the most beautiful visuals I've seen on TV in a while.
Although Utopia also fits into that category.

Thanks for all the advice! I feel like I'll eventually get to all 3, but looks like I'll be starting with POI.

Looking for some opinions. Anyone watch this as well as Suits and Scandal? Was planning on catching up on one of them but can't decide which! All 3 seem to be having strong seasons. Help a guy out?

He's supposedly on the spinoff, so I assume he'll make an appearance this season.

This weeks ep with Demetri Martin and James Adomian as the ghost of Orson Welles, was unbelievable.

This weeks ep with Demetri Martin and James Adomian as the ghost of Orson Welles, was unbelievable.

"Oooo, just like Sideways"

"Oooo, just like Sideways"

I think its starting September-October region. Filming now or very soon. Thank god!

One of the greatest comedies ever I'd say. Anyone who enjoys Veep tonight 100% should check it out.

I agree about laughing harder at parts of this show than any other (and I watch them all pretty much)
A classic for ppl unsure about watching.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBk…

I enjoyed the first season enough (not amazing, but enjoyable), but found this episode extremely dull/slow. I'm sure it will pick up slowly tho.

Having scene all of Series 3, I can honestly say that within a few episodes u barely think about Nathan, and by the end I think I actually preferred Rudy. Its incredible the show was able to pull that off.

Certified Copy is truly excellent. I dont think any other movie has made me feel the way I did while watching it. I cant even put it into words, but i would say I felt a weird uneasiness  building within me like u would normally feel in a good horror/suspense movie, except this is a straight romance/drama. Def check