
Yup. Same deal. The research is probably old, before internet porn.

A fed bear is a dead bear
Is there any way to give a movie a sandwich?

My French may be rusty
but l'Enfer is Hell.

I thought
the headline was more metaphorical. I'm not too in tune with hip hop- has Game shown any signs of life in his career lately?

Albert and Delmond
I liked father and son connecting in a meaningful way, but to me them playing together seemed more meaningful than the indian stuff.

Alias sullied itself
by staying on the air way too long, replacing almost every character except a very pregnant Jen. It wasn't a Heroes-level decline, but it ended its run being terrible.

From Dusk til Dawn
One of the cool things about Clooney's character's tattoo is that it inspired Kerry King of Slayer, one of the most bad-ass guitar players to ever live, to get a similar tattoo.

I own it, coming as a Pantera fan. I'd say there are a couple of songs that are pretty good, but mostly in spite of DAC.
The whole thing was done at Dimebag's house in a short period of time, and it shows in the terrible lyrics Coe came up for most of them. I don't think it was originally meant for release, but Vin

The only thing close to I laugh I got from that episode was when I posted to facebook:
Worst. Episode. Ever.

Titian (titty-an) is a favorite of mine as well.

I love Dr Pepper, but I haven't liked most of their recent fake doctor commercials recently (Dre, Gene Simmons). I loved the Dr. Spaceman ad.

"I was a fool to think that anyone would want nude photos of Whoopi Goldberg."
[pit rejects the photos]
"What the—?"

I know one of those questions was mine
I just can't remember if I was drunk at the time.

Nick Newport Jr.
I was expecting another "evil corporation" reveal that Nick Newport, Jr. and his family were really straight out of central casting.


Zakk Wylde
I was going to say you were forgetting Zakk on to do multiple bands on Ozzfest, but you qualified it with _fronting_, so that leaves him out. Also Jay Newsted once played bass for two bands one year, I believe.

And can I get a little credit for challenging Leonard and Decider Austin staff to eat said brain tacos?

You could have cigarettes that come in a black pack
and smokers would be lined up around the block going, "I can't wait to get my hands on these fucking things! I bet you get a tumor as soon as you light up! Numm Numm Numm Numm Numm"

Already been done
I wouldn't expect anyone here to have seen it, but Jimmy Kimmel did this a couple of years ago, trying to get a husky intern laid.

Well, get on it then.