Commander Data

I'm sorry Roger Ebert died before you could ravish him. Maybe try necrophilia? You won't even have to bring flowers.

Complete with deli anecdote!

I am intriguingly aroused.

I may be overfond of outsider music and punk to give an objective opinon. Prindle isn't either, but it's fun coasting through his reviews, since he has a taste in such things: http://www.markprindle.com/…

I guess it's like sisters-in-law, except you have some more law.

We had a drinking game in college called TV Executive. Everyone picks a random channel, worst program (decided by the group) wins and that person drinks.

Too bright for drunkposting noooooo

Oh, I guess you click on an episode, click on the series title, and there it is. Awfully convenient!

No, they have to fix that shit.

Do I have to sign up for the newsletter to get What's On Tonight?

Just give Hugh Jackman some prosthetic kangaroo balls and you have yourself a movie.

Even my robotronic finger is tired from all the damn scrollin'.

GG had a unique audience in that they cowered in fear and revulsion as he did his shtick. No fights? He will make one.

What I did was drink two malt liquors, close and reopen my browsers, clear cache, and yell. Then my account suddenly changed.

B-4 works in telecommunications, although the fluorescent lights scare him.

I submitted another comment and now it's awaiting moderation as well. Vagina Watch 2013!

From wikipedia:

New internet mission: obtain copy of Australia's Naughtiest Home Videos. Dingos eating babies? Babies eating dingos? Only time will tell.

Emoji? Is that like a Furby?

Picard and Dathon at El-Adrel.