a olson

No way. It's acceptable for the most part, but the scene in the desert in episode 2 just looked awful compared to the ones on Breaking Bad.

Interestingly, I believe RocknRolla was supposed to be a trilogy, itself. Which makes sense, because it only really got good in the last 20 or 30 minutes.

I thought it was a good McGuffin and entirely appropriate for the series. I mean, I can't remember a single thing about the McGuffin in 2 or 4.

That's only because Scientology has a tiny fraction of the members and lifespan. And most other religions actually do some good along with the bad. Scientology does no good. There is nothing salvageable there.

Those same "ADHD audiences" that vastly prefer that the status quo stay exactly the same year after year, which is what we see in most network dramas and comedies?

The only thing I hated about the conclusion was the technicolor sunrise scene at the end. It was like they had to hit you over the head in case you didn't realize that it was a happy ending.

I wonder what they die to necessitate that "Statement on Racism."

That's also literally what Tom Hanks was thinking when he was recording for Katzenberg's version of Toy Story.

Lol, I ain't gonna read that hatchet job. Even giving you the benefit of the doubt that all of that proves that they are lying, 15 out of 20 rapes still makes him an evil shit.

Oliver may have done some good investigating in his early shows, but his later ones were just him pushing his point of view using news clips from other shows. Besides the comedy bits (which go on for too long,) it's no different to what Rachael Maddow does, for example. In fact, I know there was at least one

The Boxtrolls seemed to be aimed more at young children, while the previous films were aimed at everyone.

I don't think you can pull off what Star Wars did with the villain anymore. Vader wasn't much more than a costume and a great voice. I think audiences today need more than that for a memorable villain, otherwise the design has to be ridiculously good.

As someone with no interest in Godzilla, that scene singlehandedly got me to see the film in the theater.

Jackson seems to think characters surviving wildly over the top chaos through no effort of their own is compelling cinema.

Battlestar was able to reuse the same 6 or so sets, though. While it may not look as good as the best shows out there, Agents is still one of the better produced shows.

Yes! I love that they turned a huge blockbuster franchise into a smaller-scoped road movie (which was faithful to the books, but still.)

Actually, he only co-wrote Batman Begins. He has a "story" credit on the sequels, probably because he helped create the characters involved.