No Justice No Pierce

Kyle Killen is a well known to cheat on his wife with all of his
assistants. Now that we can all see he isn't so talented and fanboys
don't have to look up to him can we agree to stop supporting this male dominated bullying?

Dear NBC,

Darts, I like that. Yeah, it should be about how worthy the target is, not how hard it is to hit. Going after people who "go after easy targets" seems to be what people do to prove they're not part of the fringe. "I'm ot one of THOSE liberals because I think Liberal X is crazy. I'm one of the good ones"

Both sides are so silly! I'm glad I'm the only one with a mind open enough to be absolutely sure that there's no way to know anything one way or another! Are leprechauns real? Maybe! We'll never, ever, ever know, so we must declare that people who say there probably aren't any leprechauns are just as crazy as people

Yes. We're talking about born-again, fundamentalist, or evangelical Christianity, the kind with homohobia and misogyny built right in. To call atheists just as bad as them is to fall victim to the golden mean fallacy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…

Wow, Victoria Jackson always seemed like a nice, sweet lady. I really liked her on SNL. I wish I didn't watch that youtube clip of her. Kinda taints my good memories.


Just as long as it's not as bad as that shitty comic strip.

Some fucking foreign shit you've never heard of