
Unfortunately it wasnt

I couldn't understand a single word Becky's husband was saying with Donna's sister. They did seem to have taken all the meth though. Have to rewatch with captions on.

If Norma is like 70 there's a good chance her mom's dead. Doesn't​explain Annie though

Frank Reynolds said that? I'm used to him being a racist.

I miss that and Nathan for you


Because we are literally the future, and they want to insure they have future readers? I'm sure there's a readers digest site you could be on. I know Fox news has a wedsite you'd love.

Wonder woman didn't win any more awards Than Spidey, gaurdians, and beauty and the beast. The big budget stuff is big with the teens

Someone had spoiled the Sarah Palmer thing to me, but I thought they were full of shit. It happened, and Lynch pulled it off.

I hope you're joking.

Poor Chris kattan. I had no idea things had gotten this bad.

I really hope he gets lots of prison time,and he gets daily beatings and other unpleasantness

When I was in 5th grade I couldn't wait to get home and vote for whatever new song Korn had out on TRL. I was a dumb kid.

Noooo. Just no

Let's bring back Butterfinger bbs. Those were my favorites as a kid

I dont know,, but lowkey, Don E is becoming my favorite character.

Let's bring back Bob odenkirk as porno Gil!

Mostly agreed with the list, but Sgt pepper? Really? And come down machine is my favorite strokes album.

Why does Ned need to be able to get on a goblin glider? He's not an adaptation of Harry but of ganke from the ultimate Spidey comics.

Variety is very short sighted