
I'm looking forward to the 5th season of The Middle. Anybody else or is it just me? I want to see whether Axl stays in college or ends up going home.

Probably not. What if there were Neilsen boxes in every household with a TV? Would ratings be more accurate?

Does anybody think the only scripted shows NBC should air are cop shows and laugh track sitcoms? It seems to work for CBS. Besides, NBC will probably never have another show that's a hit like TBBT or Modern Family.

I have a not-so-good idea for an FX block. What if there was a 2 hour cartoon block on Monday or Sunday nights with action/foreign animated shows from Asia/superhero cartoons? What do you think of the idea?

Does anybody think that The Middle will make the end of year list for best shows? I know it made the list last year, but it probably won't again.

I'm not expecting this movie to be very good.

I know this might be a little early, but who do you think should play Ultron in the movie?

Who do you think should play Batman? Don't say Christian Bale since we all know he's not coming back.

Axl, Mike, and Brick Heck: Best supporting actor from The Middle

What if there were two Emmy award ceremonies: one for broadcast shows and the other for cable shows?

This'll probably never happen, but what if The Middle was nominated for all of its eligible categories? Which actors do you think should/would be nominated?

Does anybody agree that Jersey Shore is a crime against humanity?

I laughed when I saw that promo because it was so bad

I didn't see any trailers for this on Cartoon Network.

I didn't even what that was until I saw the video. According to Wikipedia, it flopped at the box office only making about 1 million dollars.

Does the movie trailer remind anyone of those cartoons where people control robots and fight bad guys or strange creatures?

Doesn't the money remind anybody of those cartoons where people control robots to fight monsters, bad guys, etc.?