
My bad on ruining the fun.

To people already dismissing this did anyone think we needed an 8 hour documentary about OJ Simpson? Yeah this can turn out awful but, there is a chance that this surprises us.

How does it feel living like an 8 year old again?

I had that feeling simply by having whole milk after having skim milk for a long time.

Here is another great behind the scenes article about the NBA.

I think their legacy is hurt by getting pushed to game 7 in their first two series. Even though that did lead to my favorite Bill Simmons article.

I think losing to them twice was why LeBron went with Bosh to the Heat.

I have always felt NBA guys were the most interesting athletes and stuff like this PB&J or the fact that before there was the options we have today players in the 90s were obsessed with watching soap operas. And I am still convinced that this flat earth thing is just an elaborate joke that has gone too far.

Yeah I was disappointed when they bailed on that storyline so early.

I was thinking the other day that Jane the Virgin could be a really great slice of life comedy even if they got rid of all the telanovela elements.

And there might be a player in NBA history who has held more grudges and he burned bridges everywhere he went in the NBA.

And votes his way on almost everything

It should have been a once a week thing.

I wrote other on most and put Fuck Donald Trump in the box. One time I put Fuck Paul Ryan.

Even if he goes on the show and gets exposed like Tammy did a few weeks ago it will not matter one bit with his "fans".

Beyonce had a writing and producing credit for every song. Her writing credits are so bloated on the album because of the samples Like on "Hold On" the samples add 9 writing credits to the song.

"If it was that good, it would have won" that is not how the Grammys usually work. Plus Adele had like 20 guys flanking her when accepting the award so she had a lot of help too.

Grammys have always been awful. We bitch about the Oscars rightly but, at least they have actually gave awards to great films. They do not just nominate what is the most popular. If the Oscars were like the Grammys super hero films, franchises and Disney films would be the only things nominated. Really look at

Sort of proves his point there.

A quote from Christian Bale. “I have a very sissy job, where I go to work and get my hair done, and people do my makeup, and I go and say lines and people spoil me rotten. This is just not something to be quite as proud of as many people would have you believe.”